Welcome to your Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 Family Dashboard Account!

To complete a PreK 3 or PreK 4 Year Old Application for the next school year, parents/guardians must first create an account. 

Option #1
If you already have an account:

  1. Login to the Family Dashboard.
  2. Complete applications.

How-To Videos:

Option #2
If this is your first visit:

  1. Choose 'Create Account' button below.
  2. Complete the guardian demographic questionnaire.
  3. Login to the Family Dashboard.
  4. Add your student(s) to your Family Dashboard Account.
  5. Complete applications.

If this is your first visit to the Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 Family Dashboard, you must create a new account.

If your child will be 5 by October 1, they should enroll in Kindergarten; they are not eligible for preschool in District 8.

Invalid Email or Password

Email Address:


Customer Service:

Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 
10665 Jimmy Camp Road
Fountain, CO 80817
Phone: 719-382-1300

For Technical Support Contact:

Scribbles Software
Email: help@scribsoft.com